5 tips for getting your baby to sleep through the night.

At Forever Beds we want to make sure you and your little ones get the best nights sleep, so here's a quick 5 tips that you can adopt to help your baby(ies) get a long restful sleep...

Number 1.

Make sure the room is pitch black with no light, standby or LED lights. Any artificial light will turn off the melatonin production and cause lighter sleeping.

Number 2.

Keep your baby away from screens and mobile phones for at least 2 hours before bedtime. The artificial light will make their brain think it’s daytime. Get your baby into a really good circadian rhythm.

Number 3.

Turn the volume down, on your tv, phone (brothers and sisters) quiet time will ensure there is little stimulation to wake back up and allow your baby to drift off easily.

Number 4.

Make sure there are no routers or wireless devices near your baby. Research shows EMF can disturb your baby and cause sleep interruptions: at early ages they are super sensitive to this.

Number 5.

A nice warm bath in a dim room will really help them to get off to sleep. There are lots of natural essential oils you can use diluted like lavender to help them sleep soundly. But always research the best and safest ways of using them on babies. Avoid on newborns and always read the label.

Let us know if you have any interesting ways to get your little bundles off to sleep, you can find us on facebook, instagram or contact us through the website!